Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Various countries' mother guides to go to the bathroom like the training

  How does American mother guide to go to the bathroom

    Mother lets the child starts in 2 year old or bigger to go to the bathroom joyfully the training, 90% children complete in 4-4.5 years old.

    The American Department of pediatrics experts opposed firmly forces to train the child feces and urine, opposed that to the child who wets the bed carries on the corporal punishment and the shame. They thought that 5 year-old child wets the bed is the normal phenomenon, the criticism can strengthen the child pressure to work just the opposite. Moreover, they thought that trains the child feces and urine to protect the instinct which the child curious love studies, encourages directly with many kinds of means.

    After for instance urine wet, may one trade again, tells him dry compared to wet comfortable, lets their independent study go to the bathroom the flushing water and so on, lets the child feel own ability.

  How does Japanese mother guide to go to the bathroom

    Mother often wets the bed at night to the child is very insensitive. The Japanese not the custom which holds up a baby so it can urinate for the child, after some children go to the elementary school, the evening also uses the paper urine trousers.

    The Japanese childcare workers will later train the child in the child 2 years old to go to the bathroom, will let the child around the midday nap sit the chamber pot. Japan does not have Chinese that kind of old spittoon, the child chamber pot to be possible to sit holds is playing. The childcare worker thought that will force the child like to let the child be anxious, causes the later psychological hidden danger.

    In Japan, if the child urinates on the floor (is a mat, is not good scratches), mother does not scold the child, but scratches to the child looked, lets the baby know like this will give mother to increase troublesome many.

    How does Australian mother guide to go to the bathroom

    Mother thought that the free feces and urine is one kind of life which the baby growth stage also only then this stage only then has is joyful, should not eliminate really. And the child is being violated the solution attitude then the nature seems very painful.

    The child always cries revolts greatly noisily. The child 2-3 years old had more self-awareness and the automatic control ability, could has exchanged through the language and adult, slowly took out the diaper is naturally, successful matter. Some child 56 years old still wet the bed, adult will not regard as will be the serious matter, the child will not receive the shame and scolds.

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