Monday, August 9, 2010

preemie baby dolls [captures] dreadfully is the kingly way, in darkness unexpected blow plague mous

Chart wonderful exhaustive hero material

Exhaustive goods material

Like the chart shows, the lead who has the crazy Chinese look mouse is I captures today,preemie baby dolls, plague mouse - twitch~

The words said that wants hobby this mouse to be very simple, on a pairs character: Dreadful, only then dreadful can let you explode their chrysanthemum, extinguishes their entire family! If you are not dreadful, waits for you only then lang the clang to be put in prison (here is purely talks nonsense!)

Then under demonstration his skill:

This skill's superimposition layer is relating the mouse feeble toxicant and the deconstruction signature concrete effect, a qualified mouse must count the arrow, at appropriate time detonates these effects

This skill is the mouse dreadful person's necessary skill, 5 levels 100% attacks the fast addition is the sharp weapon which the later period group fights, but the earlier period only recommends adds points. Is reasonably good using the skill stealth effect dreadful person

This calculates the force deceleration skill, but the earlier period is not too practical, a recommendation + spot, has prepared the emergency requirement.

This skill is the mouse earlier period dreadful core skill. This skill, you dreadful also have not been again the useless ~ recommendation first select fully,baby boutique, very formidable output. Certainly the premise was records to shoot opposite several arrow ~

This is a masterstroke,baby dolls, without a doubt! 1000 attack scopes may let you are long-drawn-out hiding in the rear area shoot his JJ. attack penetration to let you 3 kill 4 kill no longer are the dreams. Is because has him, therefore the mouse is called king of the LOL AOE, did not know that is my illusion, after having opened this skill, not easy spot accurate goal?

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