Wednesday, August 4, 2010

cheap kids clothing stores The disabled model becomes the new favorite alone arm to smile the arroga

    Wheelchair model

    In the London Oxford Street Debenham Flagship Shop display window propagandizes in the picture, sits on wheelchair's disabled model Shannon Murray and the other three female model demonstration clothing brand Principles newest design.

    Murray several days ago announced in the blog have patted the advertisement the news. Britain Daily Mail recently quoted her words to report: I hope these picture challenge for long small number of people to the disabled person the misunderstanding.

    I worked as the model already 14 years, but this unusual, she wrote,(Related Articlesbaby socks stay on The sex rebels against the fash), I first time photographed such advertisement. Prepares for when the hair good zhuang the photography,cheap kids clothing stores, I suddenly feel this photography the difference, lets my further understanding connotation the significance.

    Principles designer bender Lisi also participated in the photography, he said: I thought that Shannon looks like wonderfully.

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    Surmounting limitation

    Murray currently 32 years old, are an actor and the model. Her 14 years old take vacation when outside the pate is injured, henceforth can only sit on the wheelchair .1994 years, she wins the British first disability model competition championship, afterward becomes the professional model.

    The advertisement receives British disabled person enterprise worker's welcome. Maintains the disabled public figure right Civil society organization direct action network staff Claire Louise said: If this advertisement is not the temporary superficial piece of writing, I thought that should obtain the promotion.

    The designer standard gram ten thousand have encouraged to the stature to lack the self-confident female to demonstrate itself bravely, he said: Debenham without restraint of style, appoints the disabled model for the first time in the fashion activity ......I hoped that in a one day of business street all shop owners to be able to do this.

    The British web cams are warm to this matter echo. The signature said for Wedd's web cam: Murray to sit on wheelchair's young people have demonstrated the positive image. Speaking of I 5 year-old daughter, saw in the Debenham display window's picture can let her believe we have told her the words: In the life any matter she may do nearly,cheap kids clothing stores, the wheelchair should not become the question or the barrier.

    The big code model is also the different races encourages multi-dimensional

    This and Murray photographs together three female model skin color vary, height degree of stoutness is various. Other models also include: Puts on 16th clothes's big code model Kate - Freeman, height 1 meter 63 short person model Tess - Montreal standard Mary, as well as set-off British supermodel Daniel.

    West Deli said: Each women should dress up well, let own feel out of the ordinary. Therefore our new style has many kinds of different styles, suits the different stature female,cheap kids clothing stores, adds lustre to for them adds the color.

    Although the British majority feminine clothing measurements are 14 to 16, but the Debenham market all display window model puts on the 10th clothes before this.

    The market used one batch to put on the 16th clothes's display window model recently, nearby on the model marking sign is writing: I put on 16. Wants to look at more designs?

    Louise said: Britain is a multiplex country, the different race, the stature females have. The model and the exclusive agency display window should reflect this kind of multiplication, but when majority has not done this.

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