Sunday, September 5, 2010

kids clothing What does the child eat to have encourages high

The diet is balanced

Human body's growth, comes from completely the entrance food quality, wants to let the baby high, each kind of nutrient must be balanced.

Every day guaranteed eats into food the stock of goods in 25~30 kinds, only eats 35 type of thing gains compared to one day the nutrition to enrich a lot.

Recommendation food

Vegetables fruit salad:

The cucumber,kids clothing, the apple,kids costumes, the banana, the onion, the greens, the pear, the orange and so on slivers the scrap to put in the bowl, pours into the salad dressing then.

Miscellaneous grains gruel:

The rice, the brown rice, the red bean, the jujube, after the grape waits the cleaning adds water, boils 1 hour namely to become together.

Assorted food:

In the pot puts the oil, after the oil heat, puts in the egg, the pea, the sweet corn grain, the ham, after ripe, puts in the rice to fry together, finally puts in the cucumber, the fragrant onion turns fries several namely becomes.

Key point 2: Calcareous must be enough

The calcium is the foundation which the skeleton grows. If in the meals cannot absorb the physiology to need the calcium quantity frequently, in the serum calcium and soft tissue's calcium quantity is insufficient, must take the calcium to the skeleton, but in the skeleton lacks the calcium, its result will cause the osteoporosis, the vertebra to distort, the spinal column will change a tune. The skeleton cannot obtain the sufficient nutrition, certainly is unable the normal growth, do not raise the long high stature. Recommendation food

Calcareous many foods include: The milk product, the egg, the fish, the shellfish, the bean curd and the legumes, the sesame jam, the semen cucurbitae and so on (Vitamin D, Vitamin C, lactose and so on is helpful to calcium absorption use).

Key point 3: The protein has daily

Occupies the growth development period the baby, is much higher than to the protein demand the adult, if the supplies insufficient will then affect the height to grow. In addition, the collogen and the mucinum also constitute skeleton's organic ingredient.

Recommendation food: The chicken, the beef, the fish and shrimp meat, the egg, the milk, the bean curd richly contains the protein.

Key point 4: The iron, the zinc, the copper cannot be few

Human body to their demand, although is not big, but actually cannot lack,Kids Shoes, if has lacked them, the baby will have each kind of problem. Lacks the zinc the baby, sees anything not to have the appetite, affects the growth inevitably. The iron is the synthesis hemoglobin essential material, the copper is the synthesis hemoglobin catalyst. In food supplies iron, copper, if is insufficient, causes the hemoglobin synthesis to be blocked inevitably, the growth, the intelligence growth, the immunologic function and so on will come under the influence, the baby possibly frequently falls ill. Recommendation food

Ferri rich food: Animal liver and other internal organs, beef, mutton, egg-yolk, fish, red bean, spinach.

Including zinc rich food: Oyster, animal liver.

Including copper rich food: Pig liver, pig blood, shrimp, crab, shellfish.

Key point 5: Fresh fruits and vegetables

The fresh vegetables fruit includes the rich Vitamin, is the human body essential. Vitamin A, C can enable the baby to have the normal resistivity.
Recommendation food

Vegetables class: Cabbage,(Related Articlesboys's shoes The elementary student reads is assor), carrot, cucumber, green pepper, tender bamboo shoots, tomato, onion.

Fruit class: Orange, banana, pear, apple, grape, peach, apricot, watermelon.

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